

  • Western Front 1944
  • Destroyed France 1944
  • Reformed Holland 1944
  • Holland 1944-1945


Formed 6.44 in Amiens (AOK.15). While the division was forming, FJR.16 was flown to Stendal and later to Vilna for action in Lithuania, and would be renamedFallschirm-Grenadier-Regiment 3, belonging to Fallschirm-Panzer-Korps Hermann Göring. The remainder of the division (battlegroupstrength only) went into action immediately in Normandy, and wasmostly destroyed. The remaining small groups were to have beenincorporated into the new parachute ad-hoc unit, Division Erdmann, but could not be pulled out of the frontline in time.

The division was ordered reformed on 10.15.44 in Meppel, Holland. The division was formed from the few remaining remnants of theold division, and from Luftwaffe-Festungs-Battailone II, XXIX, XXXI, XXXVIII, XXIX and XXXX.

While still in the process of reforming, initially with atotal strength of only two battalions, the division was thrown into the battle for the Arnhem corridor. After Arnhem, the divisionremained in Holland and fought against the Canadian first Army, and fought hard in the defense of the Reichswald and against theBritish Rhine crossing. The division surrendered to the British in May 1945, at Zutphen in Festung Holland.


General Composition
Fallschirm-Jäger-Regiment 16
Fallschirm-Jäger-Regiment 17
Fallschirm-Jäger-Regiment 18
Fallschirm-Panzer-Jäger-Abteilung 6
Fallschirm-Granatwerfer-Abteilung 6
Fallschirm-Artillerie-Regiment 6
Fallschirm-Flak-Abteilung 6
Fallschirm-Pionier-Bataillon 6
Fallschirm-Luftnachrichten-Abteilung 6
Fallschirm-Sanitäts-Abteilung 6
Nachschubführer der 6.Fallschirm-Jäger-Division

Added later were the following units:

Fallschirm-Feldersatz-Bataillon 6


GenLt. Rüdiger von Heyking 5.01.44 – 9.03.44
ObLt. Harry Herrmann 9.03.44 – 10.1.44
GenLt. Hermann Plocher 10.01.44 – 5.08.45

War Service

DateHigher HQLocation
7.44AOK.15forming in Amiens
8.44I. SS AK / Pz.AOK.5Northern France
9.44LXXXVIII.AK / Fs.AOK.1Arnhem, Kleve, Kalkar, Marienbaum and Xanten
10.44 – 11.44Heeresgruppe Bforming inMeppel
12.44LXXXVIII.AK / AOK.15Arnhem
1.45LXXXVIII.AK / AOK.25Arnhem, Wesel
2.45 – 3.45XXXXVII.AK / Fs.AOK.1Kleve, Wesel
4.45LXXXVIII.AK / AOK.25Festung Holland(Zutphen)