Professional LayoutSample Report
Looking for a sample of our reports? Check out our one page sample report of Rudolph Salvermoser.
DownloadWhat kind of information can we find out?
- Exactly when a person joined or left a particular unit.
- The battles a person took part in.
- Exactly where the person was stationed and locations he visited during WWII.
- Often the military records will show the duties a person held during the war. This includes when and where the person was promoted in rank.
- When and where a person was wounded or killed in action (we can often show exactly how a veteran was wounded or killed in action).
- When and where a person was sent to the hospital for treatment.
- The daily location of the person’s unit and any movements they made. This often includes map coordinates which can be translated using Google Earth to pinpoint the G.P.S. location of the Company HQ on a map. You can literally trace the steps of your person!
- Often the names of ships or number of the landing crafts a person traveled on- or went into combat aboard are included in the reports.
- Many times there is a daily record of events which shows daily combat details within the company, troop or battery to which the individual person was assigned. The level of combat detail varies from unit to unit.
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