

Formed 3.45 in Beverloo from the 2. Schiffs-Stamm-Regiment.

This Division is not actually mentioned in the Feldpostübersicht or inthe Schematische Kriegsgliederung (The last entry there is 4.12.45).

If this Division was fully formed or not is an open to question, as thepossibility is that this was actually a “false division” created to fool theAllies. A note from 3.22.45 might give some clues:

cover designation
open designation
11. Marine-Div.2. Schiffs-Stamm-Rgt.
Abt. KuffesRgt. Kuffes auf Schouwen
Abt. SchindlerRgt. Schindler auf Goeree


General Compostion
Marine-Schützen-Regiment 111
Marine-Schützen-Regiment 112
Marine-Schützen-Regiment 113