

The 16.Panzer-Division was formed in August of 1940 from portions of the 16.Infanterie-Division. Those portions not used tohelp form the 16.Panzer-Division were used in the formation of the 16.Infanterie-Division (mot).

After its initial training, the 16.Panzer-Division was sent to Romania for use as atraining unit for the Romanian Armed Forces, being code named “Lehrstab-R II”while still being under the control of the German Mission in Romania.

The 16.Panzer-Division was held in Reserve during the Balkan Campaign, but took partin the Invasion of the Soviet Union in June, 1941, being used in the southernsector of the Front.

During the fighting against the Soviet Uniont the 16.Panzer-Division advancing to Stalingrad via Lvov, Pervomaisk, Zaporozhe,Taganrog, Makeevka and Artemorsk. It was destroyed in the StalingradPocket in early 1943.

The 16.Panzer-Division was reformed in March, 1943 in France. Afterreformation the 16.Panzer-Division was sent to Italy where it was heavilyengaged in the battles for Salerno after the Allied landings, and later in the struggle for Naples.

The 16.Panzer-Division was transfered to the Eastern Front in November-December,1943, arriving in Bobruisk on December 13th where it took part in defensiveoperations before seeing action in the massive counterattacks for Kiev.These actions heavily weakened the 16.Panzer-Division once more and it was forced towithdraw to the the Baranow area on the Vistula River.

During the summer of 1944 the 16.Panzer-Division was pulled back into Poland where it wasrefit. It was then transfered to the Baranow region once more in January, 1945 where ittook part in defensive operations until being pushed back to theareas of Lauban and Brno in March-April, 1945.

Portions of the the 16.Panzer surrendered to the Soviets and others to the Americans.

Unit Emblems

  16.Panzer-Division Emblem    16.Panzer-Division Emblem  


Schutzen-Regiment 64
Schutzen-Regiment 79
Kradschutzen-Battalion 16
Panzer-Regiment 2
Artillerie-Regiment 16
Panzerjager-Battalion 16
Pioneer-Battalion 16
Nachrichten-Battalion 16
16th Divisional Support Units

Panzergrenadier-Regiment 64
Panzergrenadier-Regiment 79
Kradschutzen-Battalion 16
Panzer-Regiment 2
Artillerie-Regiment 16
Panzerjager-Battalion 16
Pioneer-Battalion 16
Nachrichten-Battalion 16
16th Divisional Support Units

Panzergrenadier-Regiment 64
Panzergrenadier-Regiment 79
Kradschutzen-Battalion 16
Panzer-Regiment 2
Artillerie-Regiment 16
16th Divisional Support Units

Knights Cross Holders

War Service

11.40XXII11. ArmeeCGermany
12.40-3.41Lehrstab IIRumänien
4.41-5.41Reserve12. ArmeeBalkan
6.41XIV1. Pz.GruppeSüdDubno
7.41XXXXVIII1. Pz.GruppeSüdShitomir
8.41XIV1. Pz.GruppeSüdUman, Nikolajew
9.41XXXXVIII1. Pz.GruppeSüdKiew
10.41-12.41XIV1. Pz.GruppeSüdTaganrog, Mius
1.42-4.42XIV1. Pz.ArmeeSüdTaganrog, Mius
6.42III6. ArmeeSüdCharkow
7.42III1. Pz. ArmeeSüdArtemowsk
8.42-11.42XIV6. ArmeeBStalingrad
12.42-2.43XI6. ArmeeDonStalingrad
Destroyed in Stalingrad
4.43-5.43Reforming7. ArmeeDNordfrankrech
6.43-7.43XIVOB SüdApulien
8.43LXXVIOB SüdSalerno
9.43XIV10. ArmeeSüdSalerno
10.43-11.43LXXVI10. ArmeeSüdTermoli, Sangro
1.44Reserve4. Pz.ArmeeSüdWinniza
2.44Reserve1. Pz.ArmeeSüdTscherkassy
3.44Reserve8. ArmeeSüdTscherkassy
4.44II. SS1. Pz.ArmeeNordukraineHube Pocket
5.44Reserve1. ung.ArmeeNordukraineTarnopol
7.44XXXXVI4. Pz.ArmeeNordukraineCholm, Lublin
8.44III4. Pz.ArmeeNordukraineWeichsel, Baranow
9.44XXXXVIII4. Pz.ArmeeNordukraineWeichsel, Baranow
10.44XXXXVIII4. Pz.ArmeeAWeichsel, Baranow
11.44-1.45ReserveAWeichsel, Baranow
2.45XXIV4. Pz.ArmeeMitteGlogau, Lauban
3.45 (Refreshing)Reserve4. Pz.ArmeeMitteBautzen
4.45LIX1. Pz.ArmeeMitteOderberg, Mährisch Ostrau
5.45XXXX17. ArmeeMitteTroppau, Grätz

German Bibliography

  • Geschichte der 16. Panzer-Division, Weg und Schicksal, by Wolgang Werthen
  • Die 16. Panzer-Division, by Wolfgang Werthen
  • Bildband der 16. Panzer-Division 1939-1945, by Günter Schmitz
  • Lauter Abschiede, Tagebuch im Kriege, by Alvensleben
  • Die deutschen Infanterie-Divisonen, Band 1-3, by Werner Haupt
  • Die deutsche Feldpostübersicht 1939-1945, Band 1-3, by Nobert Kannapin
  • Die Pflege der Tradition der alten Armee in Reichsheer und im der Wehrmacht, by Schirmer/Wiener
  • Die Truppenkennzeichen… der deutchen Wehrmacht u. Waffen-SS, Band 1-4, by Schmitz/Thies
  • Der Zweite Weltkrieg im Kartenbild, Band 1-3, by Klaus-Jurgen Thies
  • Deutsche Verbände und Truppen 1918-1939, by George Tessin
  • Verbände und Truppen der deutchen Wehrmacht und Waffen-SS…, Band 1-14, by Georg Tessin
  • Formationsgeschichte und Stellenbesetzung 1815-1939, Teil 1, der deutschen Heer, Band 1-3, by Günter Wegner
  • Die Deutsche Wehrmacht u. Waffen-SS, Ihre Kommando. u. Grossverbände… im Zweiten Weltkrieg, author unknown
  • Das Reichsheer und Seine Tradition, author unknown
  • Deutsche Rote Kreuz Suchdienst, Divisionsschicksale, author unknown