

  • 7.Gebirgs-Brigade (kroat.)
  • 373.Infanterie-Division (kroat.)


  • Balkans 1943-1945


On January 6th, 1943, the German Army formed a second German-Croatian Division at Dollersheim,Germany. The first unit was the 369.Infanterie-Division (kroat.), andlater a third was formed, the 392.Infanterie-Division (kroat.).This Division, like the others before and after it, was created for service in Croatia onanti-Partisan duties. Titled 373.Infanterie-Division (Kroat.) the Division was also nicknamed”Tigar” (Tiger) by its men.

The 373rd Division was assigned an Area of Operation, reaching from Karlovac in the east, to Sarajevo in the west, and from theAdriatic coast of Croatia in the south, to the Sava River in the north. Most of the anti-Partisan drives were in the Banja Luka -Bihac areas.

In May of 1944, the 373.Infanterie-Division (Kroat.) participated in Operation “Rosselsprung” (Knight’s Move), the attempt to capture the CommunistPartisan leader Tito.

In the Fall of 1944, the Division absorbed the 2nd Jager Brigade of the Croatian Army as its 3rd Regiment(kroat.Grenadier-Regiment 385). On December 6th 1944, the Division participated in the defence of Knin, where it was heavilymauled. Survivors retreated to the northwest towards Bihac.

By January of 1945, the Division’s remnants were fighting in the Bihacarea as part of the XV.Gebrigs-Korps. Battles continued with the Division moving to the Kostajnicaregion in late April of 1945. Survivors surrendered to the Partisans west of Sisak in May of 1945.


Order of Battle 1943
Kroat.Grenadier-Regiment 383
Kroat.Grenadier-Regiment 384
Artillerie-Regiment 373
Aufklärungs-Abteilung 373
Panzerjäger-Abteilung 373
Pionier-Bataillon 373
Nachrichten-Abteiliung 373
Sanitäts-Abteilung 373
Feldersatz-Bataillon 373

Later, Kroat.Grenadier-Regiment 385 was added from the former 2nd Jager Brigade of the Croatian Army.

Knights Cross Holders

War Service

2.43-8.43Befh.d.dt. Truppen in KroatienEBanja-Luka
9.43-5.44XV2. Pz. ArmeeFBanja-Luka
6.44-7.44LXIX2. Pz. ArmeeFDrvar
8.44-12.44XV2. Pz. ArmeeKKnin
1.45-3.45XVHgr. EFBihac
4.45 (Remnants)XVESisak