Unit Emblems
Poland 1939 Western Campaign 1940 Eastern Front 1941-1945
History The 4.Armee was established on 1 August 1939. It was involved in the invasion of Poland on 1 September 1939 till 1 October 1939. The command was then moved to the Western front where it participated in the invasion of France on 10 May 1940. The command remained in France until 12 December 1940. From there they were moved to occupation forces in the General Government area in the east. On 22 June 1941 the command participated in the invasion of Russia and continued to fight on the Eastern front until 7 April 1945 when they were disbanded and used to form the 21.Armee.
Organization Korück 580 Armee-Nachschubführer 581 Armee-Nachrichten-Regiment 589
Korück 559 Armee-Nachschubführer 571 Armee-Nachrichten-Regiment 589 Höherer Arko 302
Commanders Günther von Kluge 8.1.1939 Ludwig Kübler 12.26.1941 Gotthard Heinrici 1.20.1942 Friedrich Hoßbach 7.18.1944 Friedrich-Wilhelm Müller 1.30.1945
Calendar of Battles and Engagements
Polish Campaign Calendar of Battles and Engagements 1. Battleover West Prussia. 9.1.1939 9.5.1939 5 a. Fightingto Brahe. 9.1.1939 9.2.1939 2 b. Battle inthe Tucheler Heide. 9.2.1939 9.5.1939 4 2. Pursuiton Both Sides of the Weichsel River to Warsaw. 9.5.1939 9.12.1939 8 3. Pursuitin Eastern Poland 9.11.1939 9.21.1939 11 4. Fightingfor Bialystok and Eastward. 9.15.1939 9.18.1939 4 5. Fightingfor the Polish Coastal Fortifications. 9.1.1939 10.1.1939 31 a. Fightingfor the Westernplatte. 9.1.1939 9.7.1939 7 b. Captureof Gdingen and the Oxhöfter Kämpe. 9.8.1939 9.19.1939 12 c. Captureof Hela. 9.8.1939 10.1.1939 24
Western Campaign Calendar of Battles and Engagements 1. Securityon the Westwall in the Area of Aachen. 10.16.1939 5.9.1940 207 2. Breakthroughof the Southern Belgium Fortifications in the Ardennes. 5.10.1940 5.12.1940 3 3. Enforcementof the Maas Corridor. 5.13.1940 5.15.1940 3 4. Captureof the Forts at Lüttich. 5.13.1940 5.17.1940 5 5. BreakthroughSouthern Belgium and the French Border Fortifications. 5.15.1940 5.18.1940 4 6. Captureof the Forts of Namur. 5.20.1940 5.24.1940 5 7. BreakThrough to the Sea, security of the Northern Flank and Formation of aDefensive Front on the Somme. 5.17.1940 5.23.1940 7 a. Encirclementof Fortress Maubeuge. 5.18.1940 5.22.1940 5 b. Fightsfor Mormalwald. 5.17.1940 5.22.1940 6 c. Fightsfor Cambrai. 5.19.1940 5.22.1940 4 d. Encirclementof Abbéville. 5.20.1940 5.20.1940 1 8. Fightsfor Arras. 5.20.1940 5.24.1940 5 9. Containment of the Enemy Forces inFlanders and Extension of the Breakthrough. 5.24.1940 5.26.1940 3 10. Fightingin Scarpe, Sensée and Schelde. 5.23.1940 5.26.1940 4 11. Conquestof Boulogne and Calais and Fighting Between Arras and St. Omer. 5.23.1940 5.26.1940 4 12. DefensiveFighting in the Somme. 5.24.1940 6.4.1940 12 13. Encirclementof Calais 5.26.1940 5.26.1940 1 14. Fightingby La Bassée and Lille. 5.24.1940 6.1.1940 9 15. Fightingin Hazebrouck, Cassel, Bailleul and Poperinghe. 5.27.1940 6.4.1940 9 16. Battleover Dünkirchen. 5.27.1940 6.4.1940 9 17. BreakthroughBattle at the Somme and Pursuit From the Somme. 6.5.1940 6.10.1940 6 18. DestructionBattles by Dieppe and St. Valéry and Occupation of Le Havre. 6.13.1940 6.13.1940 1 19. Battleson the Seine and Pursuit Fighting to the Loire. 6.9.1940 6.19.1940 11 20. Raids inNormandy and Capture of Cherbourg. 6.14.1940 6.19.1940 6 21. Raids inthe Bretagne and Encirclement of Brest. 6.17.1940 6.22.1940 6 22. Fightingin the Loire and Pursuit to the Coast. 6.19.1940 6.23.1940 5 23. Occupationof Northwest France. 6.26.1940 9.12.1940 79
Eastern Campaign Calendar of Battles and Engagements 1. DoubleBattle near Bialystock and Minsk. 6.22.1941 7.10.1941 19 a] Breakthroughof the Frontier Positions. 6.22.1941 6.24.1941 3 b] Battle ofBialystock-Slonim. 6.24.1941 7.11.1941 18 c] DriveAganist Svisloch and Over the Berezina. 6.25.1941 7.8.1941 14 d] BattlesWest of Minsk. 7.3.1941 7.7.1941 5 2. Battle tothe Dnieper and the Duna. 7.4.1941 7.7.1941 4 3. BattleNear Smolensk. 7.8.1941 7.31.1941 24 4. BattleNear Roslavl. 8.1.1941 8.9.1941 9 5. DefensiveBattle at Jelnya and Smolensk. 8.10.1941 10.1.1941 53 6. DoubleBattle Near Vyazma and Bryansk. 10.2.1941 10.13.1941 12 7. AdvanceToward Moscow. 10.14.1941 12.3.1941 51 8. DefensiveBattle Before Moscow. 12.4.1941 4.18.1942 135 9. PositionFighting in the Zone of Heeresgruppe Mitte. 4.19.1942 7.4.1943 442 a] Destructionof the Enemy Group Belov in the Rear Area. 5.24.1942 6.22.1942 30 b] DefensiveFighting North of Chisdra. 6.21.1942 7.19.1942 29 c] Attackand Defensive Battles in the Area South of Belev-Koselsk-Szuchinitschi. 8.11.1942 9.12.1942 33 d] Retreatto the Spas Demensk-Dorogobush-East of Velish Line. 3.1.1943 3.31.1943 31 10. DefensiveBattles in the East in 1943. 7.5.1943 12.15.1943 164 a] PositionFighting West of Vyasma. 7.5.1943 8.6.1943 33 b] DefensiveBattle in the Area of Kirov-Dorogobush. 8.6.1943 8.31.1943 26 c] DefensiveBattle near Jelnya and Smolensk. 8.28.1943 10.10.1943 14 d] DefensiveBattle Near Gorki. 10.12.1943 10.17.1943 6 e] 1 through4 Defensive Battles West of Smolensk. 10.16.1943 12.4.1943 50 11. DefensiveFighting in White Russia. 12.16.1943 4.19.1944 126 a] DefensiveFighting Southeast of Vitebsk. 2.22.1944 3.28.1944 36 b] FifthDefensive Battle West of Smolensk. 3.5.1944 3.10.1944 6 c] DefensiveBattle South of Chaussy. 3.25.1944 3.31.1944 7 12. PositionFighting in the Zone of Heeresgruppe Mitte. 4.20.1944 6.21.1944 63 13. Defensiveand Withdrawal Battles from the Russian Summer Offensive. 6.22.1944 7.12.1944 21 14. FightingBetween Njemen and the East Prussian Frontier. 7.13.1944 8.10.1944 29 15. PositionFighting on the East Prussian Frontier. 8.10.1944 10.15.1944 67 16. Battle inEast Prussia for Schloßberg, Gumbinnen and Goldap. 10.16.1944 11.2.1944 18 17. DefensiveFighting in East Prussia. 11.2.1944 1.21.1945 81 18. WithdrawalFighting in East Prussia. 1.22.1945 2.8.1945 18 a] Attack onElbing to the West. 1.26.1945 2.2.1945 8 19. Fightingin the Heiligenbeil Kessel, for Königsberg and in Samland. 2.9.1945 4.7.1945 58
German Bibliography
Die deutschen Infanterie-Divisonen, Band 1-3, by Werner Haupt Die deutsche Feldpostübersicht 1939-1945, Band 1-3, by Nobert Kannapin Die Pflege der Tradition der alten Armee in Reichsheer und im der Wehrmacht, by Schirmer/Wiener Die Truppenkennzeichen… der deutchen Wehrmacht u. Waffen-SS, Band 1-4, by Schmitz/Thies Der Zweite Weltkrieg im Kartenbild, Band 1-3, by Klaus-Jurgen Thies Deutsche Verbände und Truppen 1918-1939, by George Tessin Verbände und Truppen der deutchen Wehrmacht und Waffen-SS…, Band 1-14, by Georg Tessin Formationsgeschichte und Stellenbesetzung 1815-1939, Teil 1, der deutschen Heer, Band 1-3, by Günter Wegner Die Deutsche Wehrmacht u. Waffen-SS, Ihre Kommando. u. Grossverbände… im Zweiten Weltkrieg, author unknown Das Reichsheer und Seine Tradition, author unknown Deutsche Rote Kreuz Suchdienst, Divisionsschicksale, author unknown