HistoryThe 719.Infanterie-Division was formed on the 3rd of May, 1941 as a unit of the Replacement Army.In June of 1941, after formation, the unit was transfered for occupation service to the Netherlandswhere it served until being transfered to the region of Antwerp on September 7th, 1944, in preperationfor the defense the approaching Allied forces. After being transfered to Antwerp the Division tookpart in defensive fighting for Fort Merxem on the Mass-Schelde Canal in the region of Merxplas atBeerendrecht. Later it fought defensive actions in the regions of Woensdrecht and Breda. In the end of November 1944, the Division was shifted to the area of Saarpfalz where it fought indefensive combat in the region of Oeting at Saarlautern, near Saargemünd-Forbach and lastly inthe fighting withdrawl through the Pfalz region to the Rhine River where it was destroyed in Aprilof 1945. Some sources indicate that Division Nr. 405 was reformed asthe 719.Infanterie-Division in April of 1945. It is not known if this formation took place ornot. If it did, the new 719.Infanterie-Division would have been woefully under-manned andhardly worth mentioning as a combat unit in the last bitter days of fighting agaist theWestern Allies in April of 1945. Organization
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Grenadier-Regiment 723 Grenadier-Regiment 743 Grenadier-Regiment 766 Artillerie-Regiment 1719 Divisions-Füsilier-Bataillon 719 Panzerjäger-Abteilung 719 Pionier-Bataillon 719 Nachrichten-Abteiliung 719 Sanitäts-Abteilung 719 Feldersatz-Bataillon 719 |