Marine Light Artillery Units / leicht Marine-Artillerie-Abteilungen
NOTE: all Marine Artillery units had companies until Summer 1942, whenthe companies became batteries. leichte Marine-Artillerie-Abteilung 681Formed 4.42 on Ile de Croix with 6 batteries (4-6 was Halbbttr = Halfbatteries). Subordinated to Seekdt. Bretagne, and from 8.44 Festung Lorient. leichte Marine-Artillerie-Abteilung 682Formed 4.42 on Belle Isle with 8 companies. 8.43 moved to Toulon with:
Surrendered 8.44 and was disbanded. Subordinated to Seekdt. Bretagne(Marine-Artillerie-Regiment 1), and from 8.43 Seekdt. FranzösicheRiviera. leichte Marine-Artillerie-Abteilung 683Formed 4.42 on Belle Isle with 12 companies, later 4 companies (2 and4-6). 1944 1-3 and 4. battery. Subordinated to Seekdt. Bretagne (Marine-Artillerie-Regiment 1) andfrom 8.44 Festung Lorient. leichte Marine-Artillerie-Abteilung 684Formed 4.42 on Ile Noirmoutier with 7 companies, and 1944 with 1-4,6 companies and 5. battery. Subordinated to Seekdt. Loire and from 8.44 Festung La Rochelle. leichte Marine-Artillerie-Abteilung 685Formed 4.42 on Ile d’Yeu (Loire estuary). In 2.43 moved to Marseillesand was renamed Marine-Artillerie-Abteilung 611. Subordinated to Seekdt. Loire. leichte Marine-Artillerie-Abteilung 686Formed 4.42 on Ile de Ré (Loire estuary) with 7 companies. 8.44to St. Nazaire and was reorganised: 1-4, 5a, 5b and 5c batteries and aleichte (ital.) Schützen-Kompanie. Subordinated to Seekdt. Loire and from 8.44 Festung St. Nazaire. leichte Marine-Artillerie-Abteilung 687Formed 4.42 on Ile d’Oleron (Loire estuary) with 6 companies. 1944 with1-3 companies, 4-5 batteries and a leichte (ital.) Schützen-Kompanie. Subordinated to Seekdt. Loire and from 8.44 Festung La Rochelle. leichte Marine-Artillerie-Abteilung 688Formed 3.43 on Belle Isle with 4 companies (replacing le. MAA682). 1944with 1-2 leichte companies, 3. schwere company and 4. battery. Subordinated to Seekdt. Bretagne (Marine-Artillerie-Regiment 1), andfrom 8.44 Festung Lorient. |