HistoryThe 2.Division was formed in January of 1921 from the Reichswehr-Brigade 2 and Reichswehr-Brigade 9, both of the former Übergangsheer. The 2.Division was based in Stettin. The commander of the2.Division also served as the head of the regional Wehrkreiskommando of the same number, in this case, Wehrkreis II. It too was based in Stettin. There were seven Wehrkreiskommandos in the Reichswehr,each one relating to a specific Reichwehr division, numbers 1-7. The commanderof each thus served a duel role as the commander of the Wehrkreis and thecommander of the division in question. In 1934, during the transition period of the Reichswehr into the Wehrmacht, all seven Wehrkreiskommandos were upgraded into Korp formations with the commander being transferred to serve as the CO of each. Thus the divisional formations of the original seven divisions ceased to exist, while their organic units were used as the basis for the formation of a series of 21 totally new divisions. The 21 Infanterie-Reigmenter of the Reichswehraided in the formation of 42 new Wehrmacht Infanterie-Regimenter, two being an organic part of each of the newly formed 21 Infanterie-Divisionen.At first, each of the newly formed 21 Infanterie-Divisionenwere known by cover names to prevent troubles with Germany’s detractors, but later in October of 1935, all cover names were dropped when the formation of the Wehrmacht and its new units was made public. Thus, for the exact transitions and lineages of the 2.Division into the Wehrmacht, please see this units specific organic components – the Reichswehr 2.Division itself ceasedto exist as of October of 1934. OrganizationCommandersGen.d.Inf. Erich Weber Pascha 10.01.20 – 9.16.21 SubordinationGruppenkommando 1 / Wehrkreiskommando II German Bibliography